Navegando entre dos inconscientes

Navigating between two unconscious

And who doesn't want to be free? Freedom is a universal concept with all its flavors and nuances. No person intentionally wants to live in slavery. In the name of freedom, wars and conflicts of all kinds have developed and not everyone has the same notion of what freedom is and represents. In some contexts, freedom is the greatest symbol of life. However, some in the name of that freedom also take away the freedom of others to achieve theirs.

In this reflection we must ask ourselves some questions such as: what do I want to be free from and what do I want to be free for? Victor Frankl, Jewish psychiatrist and philosopher, in one of his great works, The Ignored Presence of God, said “all freedom has a “that” and a “so that.” In short, Frankl says that people can be free from their impulses, this great impulsive unconscious that leads to a continuous justification of behavior.

With the answer about “what” we are potentially free from, the impulsive unconscious is accompanied by the spiritual unconscious. The latter is what ultimately enables the person to be responsible. Well, continuing with the next question, why be free? You are free to be responsible. At this part the speech becomes a little uncomfortable because some of the people who want freedom do not want to take responsibility.

Now, this is not the last question on the table to answer. If we are free from our impulses to be responsible, to whom are we responsible? We necessarily enter the dimension of consciousness. This makes us wonder, is consciousness transcendent, that is, does it transcend our self, or is it merely a materialistic product of neural processes?

We will continue to address this topic formally and systematically in the course Consciousness; the organ of sense . This course will be available during the month of June 2021. Stay informed on my social networks @ezequielcruzacademic on Instagram and here, my website for more information.

    If you are interested in the online course, leave your information to send you more details about the syllabus, launch date, among others.


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